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Kunstfabriek 1.0
Antwerpen-Noord in Het Oude Badhuis, Antwerpen

zomervakantie 18/08 - 22/08
6 t.e.m. 12 jaar
€145/week, €29/day


Een week lang samen kunst maken, dat is waar Kunstfabriek 1.0 voor staat.

Tijdens de schoolvakanties staan verschillende jonge kunstenaars een hele week klaar met een grote gereedschapskist, een heleboel materiaal en een hoofd vol maffe ideeën om kinderen een onvergetelijke ervaring te bezorgen. Nieuwe voertuigen timmeren uit hout, kostuums maken met fietsbanden en karton, experimenteren met wilde schildertechnieken of animatiefilmpjes maken met gips en klei, geen idee is te gek! Laat je fantasie de vrije loop en creëer samen met je fabrieksmaatjes en vindingrijke begeleiders elke dag de meest wonderlijke dingen. We creëren, spelen en stellen ons werk tentoon.

Wanneer de week erop zit, is iedereen welkom om mee te genieten van het resultaat tijdens het toonmoment.

Deelnemers met recht op een verhoogde tegemoetkoming ontvangen automatisch het verminderd tarief tijdens het inschrijven aan de hand van een geldig UiTpas-, A-Kaart- of Paspartoenummer. Meer info op onze pagina met 'veelgestelde vragen'.

for whom 6 t.e.m. 12 jaar

zomervakantie 18/08 - 22/08
Elke dag van 9u tot 16u, deelnemers zijn welkom vanaf 8u30 en kunnen opgehaald worden tot 17u.

where Antwerpen-Noord in Het Oude Badhuis (Stuivenbergplein 38, 2060 Antwerpen, België)


€145 / week
€29 / day

alternative dates

when where price available places
zomervakantie 25/08 - 29/08
Kunstfabriek 1.0
Antwerpen-Noord in Het Oude Badhuis, Antwerpen
€145/week, €29/day
zomervakantie 07/07 - 11/07
Kunstfabriek 1.0
Antwerpen-Noord in Het Oude Badhuis, Antwerpen
€145/week, €29/day
zomervakantie 01/07 - 04/07
Kunstfabriek 1.0
Antwerpen-Noord in Het Oude Badhuis, Antwerpen
€116/week, €29/day
paasvakantie 07/04 - 11/04
Kunstfabriek 1.0
Antwerpen-Noord in Het Oude Badhuis, Antwerpen
€150/week, €30/day

frequently asked questions

My child is sick and can no longer participate in Kunstfabriek. What now?

You will notify das Kunst as soon as possible at, along with a doctor's certificate. Days not taken will be fully refunded.

I would like to cancel my registration for Art Factory.

You can cancel your registration free of charge up to 14 days after registration. From then until one month before the start you pay 30% administration fee in case of cancellation. Within one month before the start no refund is possible, unless for medical reasons (with doctor's certificate). In case of cancellation by das Kunst you will receive a full refund of the registration fee.

Cancellations please notify

What is the difference between Kunstfabriek 1.0 and Kunstfabriek 2.0?

During Kunstfabriek 1.0, children, ages 6 and up, spend a week making art together and immersing themselves in different, analog techniques. Kunstfabriek 2.0 is for children ages 10 and up. They discover and learn to work with a 3D printer, heatpress, a laser cutter, AR and VR and much more.

My child is turning 6 and would like to participate in Kunstfabriek. Is that possible?

Unfortunately, your child is just too young. Children can participate in Kunstfabriek if they are 6 years old at the start. We would love to welcome your child starting next year!

Who are the facilitators during Kunstfabriek?

There is a team of young artists (17+) ready to guide the participants during Kunstfabriek. das Kunst provides support for the young artists and provides professional training as artistic supervisors, by our permanent artistic staff.

When can I drop off and pick up my child during Kunstfabriek?

Participants are welcome from 8:30 a.m. each day. We start at 9am and finish at 4pm. You can pick up your child until 5pm. On Fridays there is a show time at 4pm.

Can I enroll my child in Kunstfabriek for one or more days or just a full week?

At Kunstfabriek 1.0, your child can participate for one or more days.
At Kunstfabriek 2.0, register your child for the full week.

Will I receive a tax certificate after participating in Kunstfabriek?

7 days after the last day of the activity, your tax certificate is available via 'my account' on our website under 'my registrations'. To generate this certificate, we need the state registration number of the participant and the booker, which you can also complete via 'my account'.

Using the tax certificate, you can deduct the costs of the activity from your taxes. You may deduct all childcare costs, up to a maximum of 14.40 euros per childcare day (assessment year 2024 - income year 2023). The amount is indexed every year. The tax credit is 45% of those expenses.

Will I receive a participation or mutual benefit certificate after participating in Kunstfabriek?

You will automatically receive the attestation of participation by mail after the end of your activity at das Kunst. The attestation can also be downloaded from this moment via 'my account' on our website under 'my registrations'.

Bring this attestation together with your sticker in to your health insurance company or other authority in order to receive a reimbursement of the participation fee. This certificate of participation replaces the completion forms you receive from your health insurance fund.